Please let me introduce myself. My name is Ann. I'm the author of this blog.
I guess that is what's necessary when I take long breaks from blogging.
My high hopes of blogging everyday once I got back from the holidays fell short when I was overtaken by a need to clean my apartment.
I mean clean. One day turned into 7+ days. This might lead you to believe that we are slobs borderline hoarders, but that's not the case. Creeping into the timeline, A.D.D.
(self diagnosed). I was here then there...then back to here with a lot of repetitive unnecessary-unproductive actions. Sigh.

While things are looking a lot better I am now focused on minimizing my magazine piles. I have so many magazines that have been gifted to me over the last three years. I read them from time to time, but very rarely get rid of them. I pulled the "I will look at this more...later." Later has come and gone according to the fashion treads and what's "in" according to the design world. I have a pile...I mean a mountain of magazines that I am going through.
Well, there you have it. I'm back...leaving you with a bedtime snack. Enjoy.

Do you save magazines? How often do you re-read or refer to them?
How much do you love Oreos?