Are you intimated by the technology? Do you feel like your walking around with the bag phone from the 1990's.
I had one..and I thought I was so cool. It cracks me up just thinking about it.
Where do you go to find the best tech gifts? How do you keep up with the bells and whistles? Who can you count on to provide you with as many details as you need to make the right purchase?
To start with there are countless websites available for's just about finding them right.
Let's start with There you will find answers to questions you wouldn't even think to ask. Just click the
"reviews" and there you have everything listed into specific categories. (E.g. camcorders, cell phones, desktops, GPS, cameras) What about
Engadget? Yup, they are helpful too. Read reviews, look at photos, listen to podcasts they are all available for you.
Honestly, it can take a little work to find the best tech item to fit your needs. Going to a retail store like
Staples is another great idea. There you can see and feel the product. For example right now they have an interactive display for the Kindle. It's one thing to read about an item it's another thing to actually experience it first hand. They also have trained staff members bubbling with facts. They are usually very eager to share the features and benefits.

How about watching Oprah? I'm not kidding. Did you happen to catch either of her
Favorite Things shows. She has the latest and greatest that's for sure. She also has a nice gift guide on her website. (Click Favorite Things) Can you imagine being one of the lucky audience members? Do you know anyone who was there? I would love to hear their story.

Ask to friends, read some blogs...get that nose in there and snoop around. Find out what and where. People are posting reviews, gift ideas, discount codes and sharing their stories for you. They want to make your shopping experience easier. Whether they received the item for free as a thank you for a review or just wanting to talk about something they just bought, they are still taking time to share it with you..that should count for something. I know I've appreciated many reviews already this year.
One thing is for sure is so much fun giving someone a gift with meaning. It's so amazing to see their face light up when you actually took the time to find the right gift. Researching will be rewarding. You will not only feel prepared to make a purchase you will be able to find the items you need at the best price. Knowledge is power!
Start now by making a list of people you need to buy for. Set a budget....I know there's that "b" word, but it was bound to surface this time of year. It's not necessary to go over board. Big isn't always better. Unless we're talking about diamonds.
Just kidding....
“I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Staples blogging program, making me
eligible for a $50 gift card. For more information on how you can participate,
click here.”