Wednesday, January 9

Ch Ch Ch Changes

"I watch the ripples change their size But never leave the stream"....

 In 2003, my husband and I embarked to Missoula, Montana where we stayed for nearly four years. We rented "the little red house" that is tucked into the mountains with a picturesque view overlooking the city.  It was exactly what I wanted Montana to be, complete with cows and horses. Now we are back in Missoula, but "the little red house" is occupied by other tenants, so we had to make some changes.  Living in the city has its advantages and I think we are where we need to be right now.  Change has become a part of my reality, so I've learned to embrace it (with a little kicking and crying).  It's not easy, but the more real I am about my feelings with people the more I've come to understand that I am not alone. It's funny how that works.   I am slowly finding my rhythm with all of the changes.  Who knows maybe I'll even change my hair style...who am I kidding I've had the same style since the 80's minus the perm.
 (O.k. that made me laugh out loud. I need to find a photo so you can see my big...I mean big hair.)

 I have to ask...when did you last make a change in your life? 

Sorry if I have caused you to hum Chnages by David Bowie all day.....
just know you're not alone...
.I will be too.

Time may change me But I can't trace time....
Lyrics from David Bowies song Changes/Photo from WeHeartIt


Unknown said...

I changed my underwear this morning; does that count?

Anonymous said...
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sattakingplaybazaar said...

Jeśli jesteś pewien, że masz zamiar plik do bankructwa, należy przestać dokonywania płatności na poczet długów, które będą odprowadzane w trakcie procesu upadłości. Ponieważ nie będzie ponosić odpowiedzialności za te długi w najbliższym przyszłości, jest to niewielkie korzyści dla Ciebie, satta king play bazaar