I locked myself out of my apartment. Sigh. While pacing back and forth I remembered there is a window that doesn't lock, so like a thief in the night (it was daytime) I broke in. Evidence......

It didn't really hurt...
Have you ever had to break into your home? Did you hurt yourself?

Ouch! No I have never broken in but I know someone who did and the neighbours called the police not knowing who the 'intruder' was :)
You should maybe think about leaving a key with a trusted friend/neighbour {for next time} xx
Oh my gosh girl!!! No, I've never had to break in. It's a miracle that I haven't!
A couple times I've "broken in" .. kind of.
The first time we got locked out, my brother and I were little and my mom grabbed her spare car keys instead of the set of keys with the house key.. She had to cut a screen, and I was jealous that my brother was the one who got to climb through the window :p..
The next time, a friend locked himself out, and called me to come climb through his window (I'm 5' so I can fit through anything, haha) and let him in..
And finally, my neighbor once inadvertently left, thinking her youngest child was with her husband, and so I had to climb in a window there to check on the kid and let her other kids (they were playing capture the flag with us across the street) in..
I've climbed through many a-window :p
Youch! I hope that bruise doesn't feel as bad(ass) as it looks!
In my former apt., I had a lock you could twist from the inside and a dead bolt.
One evening I was making a run to drop off library books, dog in tow.
Come to find out I forgot the books inside the apt. and had the wrong set of keys in hand.
The complex has no ofc. on site, so I had to wait about an hour outside with my dog until the mait. man decided to show up.
Looks like it hurts. I had to climb into the kitchen window once and I nearly got stuck.
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