Tuesday, July 21

Birthday party...

As the lights illuminated the dark sky, I grasped for all the air I could. Blowing out the candles as another year was being tucked away with memories, I remembered to make a wish. With closed eyes, I blew my desires in the air.

Old friends and new, family and loved ones decked out in 80's fashion danced the night forward into morning. Or, until the police came because the music was too loud. Rebels...

It was a great birthday!

( I was Jennifer Beals from "Flashdance".....In the photo: Homecoming queen 1989, Me/Jennifer, Madonna and Baby from Dirty Dancing)

Do you like to dress up? What was your favorite costume?


Jill said...

Oh my goodness, an 80's themed birthday party, that's too funny. I hope you had a great birthday!

Nette said...

Oh, parties like this are great! I went to one like this for an engagement party. (The bride to be was Madonna-Like a Virgin.) I remember trying to get the "big hair" look back but didn't have the right hairspray. I'm like, 'I need my AquaNet!"