A normal post...
Last night after watching Revolutionary Road, (an emotionally perplexing 2 hours) I wanted to "talk" with my husband. I was hoping to talk through some of the emotions that the movie evoked. (Please tell me you felt the same way, wow.) A tender summer breeze was caressing our tanned skin as we snuggled on the couch. I turned to face the man I love. He wore a sincere smile. My heart went pitter patter....
Wait one minute, I know that smile. It's the smile he gets when watching, The Family Guy. Sigh. He was busted....I am exaggerating. (Insert giggles)
It was so funny. I really did insist on talking after the movie and he did agree. Some how the channel was changed and the catchy theme music for the show caused us both to sing along. (I am here to admit that I do watch the show to bond with my husband. I am often offended as well as entertained. You too would know the theme song if you had to bond with your husband this way. I am also pretty lucky that he will sit through some of my "girlie" shows in which he can sing those theme songs.)
It was around 11:30 and I was off to read in bed. He was off to the kitchen to make a pizza- WHAT. Yes, a pizza. My thighs got bigger just thinking about it. While my mouth was watering at the idea somehow the word "NO" came out. We went back and forth, if he baked a cheese pizza than I could have ONE slice, one and only one. If he baked a meat pizza I wouldn't be tempted. I though we had decided on my one piece of the cheese. Patiently....I began reading, all the while imagining the soft cheese being pulled from each and every bite I would take. I was going to eat it slow, enjoy every morsel of the One piece. I would have some remorse after no doubt, but who can say no to cheese pizza? Any, I did run earlier in the day and I had a lite dinner. (Say what needs to be said all in the name of yummy cheese pizza.)
The oven opens the smell of pizza fill every room. I think I hear the people in the apartment above me stir. (Not really) I hear him cutting the one piece for me. I hear him walking into the family room....wait that isn't the right direction.....Me- "Ummmm honey, could you bring me my piece". (My legs are not broken, I wanted to feel like a Princess.) His reply, "Ummmm hon, you do not eat meat...." Me- "Ummmmm h-o-n-e-y, what are you talking about we decided on a cheese pizza." Him- "Ummmm no we didn't. You said forget it." Did I actually say NO out loud? Plus, when did he start listening to me?
It was then that I rolled over, screamed into the pillow. I think there was a kick or two in that moment of fits. My husband who can eat a cow and nogt gain weight was sucking done a pizza and I was gnawing on a wheat-zucchini-raisin muffin.