Monday, June 29

A visit that became a stay....

We are still in Michigan....

Bouncing from home to home, bed to bed, my husband and I have extended our visit to a stay. Nothing permanent.

This is the forth post I have started in the last four days....I will finish it.

Each day has become a blurrrrrr. In the beginning of our stay I was planning each and every step I took. Five weeks into this "stay" I have given up. Too much going on in too many directions.

This is what I know:
As of yesterday, Michigan feels more like home than Quebec City. Although, all of our "stuff" is there, it feels more natural here. I miss my Q.C. two and four legged friends like crazy, but there is something about the ease of things here. I like that I can express myself in English and everybody understands me. I like making small talk with the cashier at the grocery store and people I bump into.

I am hosting an amazing giveaway CLICK HERE to check it out!!!


Amy said...

I did that same thing. I stayed longer at my Mom's place when I was out of town. Have a great time.

Teri said...

I hope you continue to have a relaxing time during your not a visit but a stay. :-)

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

So it's become a "staycation!" I love it when a "stay" feels easy peasy! It's nice to feel at ease:)

Mimi said...

Welcome to my wonderful state of Michigan!