Another give-a-way has ended..BUT...another one has started.
Kelly Williams, has the biggest smile and the best laugh. It's a toss up who is the nicest....her or her mother. I have had the pleasure of working with both of them here at the South Fork Lodge.
I found out that Kelly makes all these fabulous smell goods and started harassing her for candles, candles and more candles. I got some candles! They are amazing! Now, it's your turn to check it out and pick out your favorite scent.
CLICK HEREI have to warn you...there are a gazillion, o.k. maybe not, but there are over 150 scents to choose from.
If candles aren't your thing what about diffusers, lip gloss, bubble bath, body lotion, hair care and/or soap. She really has it all and makes it all! I have to tell you that she also 70% responsible for my weight gain over the last few months. The other 30% is the flippen ice cream that I had to walk by all day long. Just today my husband and I were wrestling over the last bite of a Kelly made, cinnamon roll. He won. I totally thought I had him....

Here is how to win "approximately" 60 hours of burn'en love (aka) a candle:
1.)Leave a comment on my blog. Let me know what purrty scent you would choose? I know the choice is difficult, so if you have to list more than one I totally understand.
2.)If, you purchasing an item from Miss Kelly you get an additional entry and/or start to follow my blog. (Let me know if you already follow.) If you do both fill me in, bonus points. *Please leave a separate comment for each entry.
*Extra important stuff.
This Annonandon/Crouch Candle sponsored contest is open to United States peeps only. The final day to enter is Christmas eve. I will then e-mail the lucky one. You will have only 3 days to claim your prize before I move on to the next winner. *Due to the handmade nature of this item it might take additional time for processing. Thanks!
I think...Yes, it's a fact.....there is another give-a-way starting tomorrow. Tomorrow, tomorrow...I love ya tomorrow.
I stopped by from SITS congrats on being saucy!
Oh my gosh! How could anyone ever pick from all of those! I guess I would have to say the Balsam Fir in honor of the season. It was tough. The blooming jasmine is great I bet also!
I am a follower already! Thank you! Ha, I have to add that my word verification is "priest"...maybe it's a sign!
Following, you're saucy! ;)
I'd have to say Laundry Fresh, so I could pretend I actually get it done.
ooh! i love your giveaways! i wish my screen was scratch and sniff. i would say buttercream is the scent i would choose. hands down. and i already follow your blog. and wish i could follow you home when you brought cinnamon rolls back! that is a serious pregnancy craving and i just found out horrific things about the calorie count in a cinnabon...i was happier in ignorance. :)
I *do* love me some cucumber melon... though I'm swayed mightily by the lavender lately... mayhap I'd try the Orange Ginger :D
AND I'm a follower ;)
WOW, there is a ton of scents... I think Strawberry Musk is my choice!
I am a follower! WOO HOO
Wow, that's a tough one. There are so many different ones that I would want. I would probably pick peppermint though. That's sound great!
I'm also a follower.
I was stopping in to wish you a late congrats on your blog being SAUCY this week. I am so behind with SITS. Have a great week. Oh I started following and then seen where it will earn me an extra point. Yay!
i love clean cotton!!
i am a follower.
Oh my word. How to choose? I would like the vanilla almond, I think...oh that's a toughie!
Okay, you were right! Definately alot to choose from, but I made my decision...
Christmas Pine!
I have a fake tree and miss that smell!
Well you have to go with anything that's called "Lick me all over" lol I don't know what it smells like...but it sounds fun!
And I am now an official follower. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and letting me follow you home!
Lots of wonderful-sounding scents...I think I would like to try vanilla almond. Yum! (Wait...you aren't supposed to eat candles?)
lots to choose from!! i will select the MUSK..
i am already a follower..
Well since I burn candles every night of my life...I know beyond a shadow of a doubt,my favorite scent is,and your friend does have it is:drum roll;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;magnolia.yummmmmmmm.It is delicious.I did sign up as a follower.Thank you...Ann
How about coconut lime verbena?!! Yummy!
I'm a follower!
I'm a total cranberry junky! I'd choose the Cranberry scent! Oh...wait...I just saw Mango Mandarin...ugh...it's a total toss up! Lordy I love candles!
You know I follow your saucy blog! ;) Ha ha!
I would love the laundry fresh scent.
I love that scent. I try to get it in every scent oriented thing I buy. Though, I hate doing laundry.
I am following you:)
Absolutely definitely Coconut Lime Verbena!!!!! Thank you for the chance to win one! :-)
And I'm a follower, too!! Thanks!
My favorite would probably be Mulberry- I love that scent during the holidays
You're right, it is hard to pick. I always love apple-y scents so I would pick the apple jack & peel. Thanks for stopping by my blog .
Oh soooo many scents to choose from! I like Vanilla Lavendar.
I am now stalking you...oops...I meant following you. :)
Good morning lady!!
Ok, now for my scent.....I personally LOVE Lilac!! It brings back good memories from 1989 when my Mom gave me a perfume dabber that was Lilac and I just love to spark those old memories again!!
Thanks :o)
I'd love to thank everyone for participating in this give-a-way, especially Ann who brought it all together, what a wonderful idea! The lucky winner will be delighted with their candle, and will gets lots of extra goodies to go along with it....after all....'Tis the season! Happy Holidays to all of you!
mmm. cinnamon would probably be my choice. thanks for alerting me to this!
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