Now you're wondering why you even stopped by here today when all I've done is stress you out more, but I do have a solution for you....Yogurt. To be more specific, Yoplait yogurt at Sam's Club.
Breakfast...yogurt. For some people lunch...yogurt. Snacks...definitely...yogurt.
Whether you start your day with a yogurt or enjoy it as an afternoon snack, Sam´s Club can help you stock up on your family´s favorite Yoplait® yogurts at great, everyday low prices. With their extended yogurt selections, featuring new Yoplait Light® with Granola and Trix yogurt, finding the flavors, and prices, you love just became even easier.
And, do I have a treat for you. Because of MyBlogSpark, Yoplait and Sam's Club I am going to give one person a $40.00 gift card to Sam's Club to fill up your fridge with Yoplait.(I got the same thing and you should see my refrigerator.)
This giveaway starts today, November 23 and ends in one week. On Wednesday, Nov. 30th I will pick one name. Here is how you can win:
Follow my blog- 1 entry
Check out and tell me your favorite yogurt- 2 entries
Check out Sam's and tell me something you found to put on your Christmas list- 2 entries
That's not it.... if you link this giveaway or share it on your blog you get an additional 5 entries. 10 possible points.
Good luck and happy shopping... I'll be thinking about you as I drive to Detroit (in a rental car) to catch a plane heading to Lexington. Final the arms of my husband!