I don't know about you, but when I was 16 I was gossiping about boys, going to TCBY and crimping my hair. I wasn't setting out on a solo mission to circumnavigate my boat around the globe to break a record. That was the intent on January 23, 2010 from Marina del Rey as Abby Sunderland (16) and her boat Wild Eyes departed Los Angeles County. There is something cool about this story, but something crazy too. The Abby Sunderland articles I read a few days ago haven't been replaced by another media story, so I'm thinking we should talk about it. (
Click here for one of her blogs.)

How many years of experience allows someone to be an expert in their sport? Is this something you gain by peers or determined by yourself? You would want to be considered an expert if attempting to do this right? I believe the law states we are adults when we turn 18. Did I mention Abby is 16? Yes, that's right I did. (Oh, that smells of judgment on my behalf...I'm actually not completely for or against this....I'm riding the fence.)

While not throwing any stones or placing judgment it's difficult for me to understand how at 16 any parents could allow their child to do this. Believing in your child is one thing, wanting the most for your child too, but if the worst were to happen isn't there something in our system that could possible charge them with a crime for allowing this to happen? I'm not joking
nor do I want or believe this should happen, but seeking emotional revenge does happens. Where would the responsibility fall?

On Abby's blog, in one of her last entries, she said that minutes after boarding the rescue ship she received calls from reporters. Continuing in the same sentence she said "now that something bad has happened". Without having the complete story I wondered how much attention she tried to get before she began? Visions of another reality show are danced in my head or should I say spinning out of control...
What are your thoughts?

For the record... I think Abby is an amazing young girl and I am impressed by her drive as well as her attitude. She made up her mind to do something and she is doing it, well tried to do it. When her plans failed she had a great attitude about not only seeing what she did as a success, but she recognized her accomplishments without worrying too much about criticism. She is a young girl to admire!