Do you like to read books? Or should I ask...Do you have time to read books? I go through phases. I read a lot, then I stop for a while.
A few months ago I was contacted by some at Meryl L. Moss Media Relations. They were looking for people to read then review a book. I knew I would be nature bound and in need of some good reading material, so I was happy to oblige.

It was a sunny day on Flat Head Lake in Montana. I was with my old (not in age) landlord getting ready to bask in the sun. Together we toted books and magazines to the dock along with some tasty snacks and drinks. Within a few pages of,
There's More To Life Than The Corner Office, (The Secret to Total Life Prosperity) I realized this book came at the perfect time and I was in the perfect setting to take it all in. Like the book states, “there are no accidents”....

One page turned to 45, then 45 turned into 100. I had to apologize to Karen for being so anti-social, but what started as a leisure read turned into a book that had words to alter my life, if I allowed them to. Application is always more challenging than just reading the words. Making the right choice means thinking. Follow through takes patience.
With a note pad and pen I started jotting down words...then paragraphs. I started asking myself questions along the way. I couldn't put the book down. As if it were just moment earlier when I started the book I found myself at the end. Under the dancing stars of the night sky I sat by myself. Although many words found their way into my mind I was taken back by these simple words that carry the weight of many wrong doings, “What happens to us in life is less important then the way we respond to it”..... If only I'd heard those words about 36 years earlier. I'm sure my parents tried to say something along that line but, as their kid it was my job to void all helpful comments or advise, right?
I do not want to give anything away...outside the fact that this book is motivating and inspiring. Lamar Smith's words are refreshing. The story of Patrick Mitchell could also be your story or someone close to you. With a few more Al Crafton's and a lot less John Carter's could just be the answer. <--- Now you have to read the book... isn't the curiosity getting to you?

Find some time.... fill your day with motivation..... Let me give you this. I am going to give one lucky reader the chance to win,
THERE'S MORE TO LIFE THAN THE CORNER OFFICE (The Secret to Total Life Proserity) by, Lamar Smith and Tammy Kling. Simply leave a comment below. Tell me about the last compliment you received and how it impacted you...or just say “Hello”.