Photo: The beginning of the bad day...
“Pass me a beer”.... not something you want to e-v-e-r hear in the car much less while hitchhiking. Now, let's get one thing straight... my husband and I were stranded over 40 miles from the camp site which makes for almost a two hour drive because of the roads....dirt roads sometimes just enough room for one car when it's a two way road. A road that goes up high and down low, following a winding river. A road with little to NO traffic....(Getting a ride was almost next to impossible. Since it was our first time ever hitchhiking we didn't really have the thumb in the air thing right. The couple was laughing because my husband had a limp wrist-dangling thumb and an “oh shit” look on his face.)
Now, back to “pass me a beer”... this is what the driver of the second car that we waved down to hitch a ride from said. I gave my nervous “you're kidding right” laugh and kept the conversation moving. It didn't work. I passed him a beer...then another one...
Well, maybe “pass me the beer” wasn't as bad as the driver pulling out his handgun and passing it to his girlfriend just after we started our nightmare....I mean ride. Or, it could have been the conversation about the other guns under our feet...where we were sitting. We.. being their two dogs, my husband and me in the back seat.
But, maybe it is better than the man that I asked first. He was chopping wood, with a sharp-creepy ax, at his camp site- in the middle of nowhere... He agreed to take us, which was super NICE considering the distance. He just had to lock up his trailer....when he returned with his handgun and told me to hop in...I was freaked! That's when the other truck pulled up and said they were heading our way....
Wait back up.... maybe the worst part of my day was slicing my finger to the bone with a Leatherman knife while trying to help my husband change a flat tire 40 miles into the woods, where only the animals live. Animals like mountain lion and bear. Then starting to walk back to our camp (which would have taken days...) in my cowboy boots, not hiking boats, because this was suppose to be a leisure ride where I would sit in the truck and read while my husband went to retrieve a collar off a dead elk...... (The tire couldn't be changed which is another LONG story.)
Hitching yet another ride (that makes three different trucks) we finally arrived back at our camp 6 hours later....Yup, that was one bad day!!!